
The Future Seas 2030 Special Issue in the Journal Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries is the product of a large-scale inter and transdisciplinary collaboration that includes ecologists, psychologists, public health and education experts, philosophers, oceanographers, climate modelers, economists, social scientists, engineers, mathematicians, natural resource managers and information and communications technology researchers, as well as governance, ethics, finance and insurance, and law and policy experts from 12 countries and 25 nationalities. Collectively, this Special Issue explores possible futures for our oceans by 2030 for a series of ‘key’ societal challenges, from climate change, food security and biodiversity, through to issues of ocean governance, ocean literacy and the blue economy.


Lead Investigators

Prof Gretta Pecl

Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies / CMS



Dr Kirsty Nash

Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies / CMS


Meet our fellow team members who contribute to the success of this project.

Karen Alexander

Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies / CMS

Jess Melbourne-Thomas

CSIRO Oceans & Atmosphere / CMS
Camilla Novaglio

Camilla Novaglio

Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies / CMS

Cecilia Villanueva

Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies / CMS

future seas

FUTURE SEAS is a unique collaboration , spear-headed by the Centre for Marine Socioecology, of over 100 researchers from the University of Tasmania (UTAS), the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) and other institutions
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